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Monday, May 30, 2011

How it all started ...

Early this year we welcomed our gorgeous little baby girl into this world. Lola was born in the first week of January and is a wonderful addition to our small family. We have a 3 yr old son and two French bulldogs, Marius and Molly. So it was a welcomed surprise when today it was confirmed that Molly is expecting !

Molly (brindle girl), Lola (human girl), Marius (Pied male)
You see it all started on the weekend when we went to wash our doggies, down the street. We were talking to someone who pointed out that she may be pregnant and left actually left thinking, Hmm.....could she really be ?? So today we went to the VET and sure enough, we're having our first litter.  You see from all the research we had done (over years and years, and reading article after article) it seemed that French Bulldogs typically do not get pregnant naturally but would need to be inseminated. So it is to our utter shock and happy surprise that we find Molly pregnant and about to have puppies in the next week. 


One day I was walking past a store on Malvern Road in Toorak and saw the most bizarre creature in the window. I thought it was part of the decor but when it moved, I realised it must have been a dog. But what a wierd looking dog - or could it be a cat?? I had to go in the store and ask.
This was my first look at a French Bulldog, or a "Frenchie"

I went home and started researching the breed. My husband and I spent a good year looking into the breed and deciding if it was for us - we had recently had our first child. We called over a dozen breeders to find out information and see if any were available. That's when we got Marius, our Frenchie boy.

A blisfull year later we were on a family holiday where others brought their dogs too. Marius had the best time playing all day long with a pug and a boxer. He was so great playing with the other dogs adn really seemed so happy. However, when we returned from our holiday he seemed to sulk and looked lonely. We wondered if he was missing his friends? We decided to get him a friend of his own and thought we'd buy another Frenchie because we just loved Marius so much and loved the Frenchie breed. We had also considered a pug, and a staffy. In the end, another French it was. That's when Molly entered our lives.

Molly, 10 weeks, camping with us at the beach

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